Selling Your Collection
If you are thinking of selling one piece or an entire collection, I would be happy to assist you.
This company is not just a business – it is a passion. With decades of experience, I have had the pleasure of handling the movement of railroad treasures across generations. Each piece is a wonderful symbol of history and has a story that continually transcends time.
When you consign with Railroad Memories your items are showcased not only on my website but also photographed and featured in a fully illustrated printed catalog that becomes a resource for collectors to add to their libraries.
There is no question that to reach the highest price for a collectible Auction makes the most sense. Pieces are worth what someone is willing to pay, and competitive bidders are the best way to realize that. In my years of handling railroad collections, I take great pride in knowing that I did what I could to preserve and protect the authenticity and potential value of their collections and to ensure that individual pieces are bringing the top price of potential market sales.
Since I have launched my custom live online bidding system, my client list continues to grow with a current membership exceeding 2000 members in the US including Europe and Canada. With that being said, I can also proudly state that my auctions have brought record prices for quality items over the years, especially for Midwest and West Coast collectibles.
With over 30 years in this business, I have been fortunate enough to build a strong reputation for my honesty and integrity and along with that, I proudly have some of the most seasoned collectors dealing strictly with me. Many of my clients are quiet, not in the regular circles and do not attend live auctions. So, when they purchase, they rely on my expertise and knowledge to know that what they buy is quality.
In my experience, I have observed that live auctions have the most potential for success regarding more common items. However, on the other hand, live auctions do not have the same impact on the more rare and desired items because those specific buyers, who are prepared to pay top price for a unique piece, as I mentioned above, are less likely to attend. Hence, the possibility of a high sale decreases, and the item is sold for a price that severely under values its potential. My target audience and loyal customer base prevent this from happening through my auction system because the reputation of Railroad Memories has grown over the years to be recognized as the top company specializing in railroad collectible sales in the nation.

Past Auction Highlights: LocksLanternsKeysChina
W.F. & Co’s Lock

Sold For: $6,250

Sold For: $17,250
Norfolk & Western Locomotive Builders Plate

Sold For: $13,500
D & RGRW Key

Sold For: $6,250
Santa Fe Route China

Sold For: $11,250
Bodie & Benton Railway Pass

Sold For: $5,500